spectrum n. (pl. -tra ) 1.【物理学】谱,光谱;波谱;能谱,质谱。 2.【无线电】射频频谱;无线电(信号)频谱。 3.【心理学】(眼睛的)余像;残像。 4.〔转义〕范围,幅度;(连续的)系列。 an absorption spectrum 吸收(光)谱。 a bright line spectrum 线状光谱。 an optical spectrum 光谱。 a solar spectrum 太阳光谱。 a wide spectrum of opinion 意见的不同幅度甚大。
on the radio 电台情歌; 广播中; 通过收音机(无线电广播); 通过收音机(或无线电等); 通过收音机,通过广播; 在广播
radio n. 1.无线电讯[电报,电话];无线电,射电。 2.无线电广播;无线电(广播)台。 3.收音机。 listen (in) to the radio 听无线电。 radio message 无线电通讯。 vt.,vi. 用无线电传送[广播];(向…)作无线电广播[传送];用X射线拍照;用镭医治。
radio- comb. f. 1.放射;辐射。 2.光线。 3.半径。 4.桡骨。 5.镭。 6.无线电。
The radio spectrum and its management 无线电频谱及它的管理
The radio spectrum used in narrowband personal communications services ( pcs ) 用于窄带个人通信业务( pcs )的无线频谱。
Ofta publishes spectrum release plan to increase transparency in radio spectrum supply 电讯局公布频谱供应表以提高频谱供应的透明度
There may not be enough radio spectrum to go around as demand grows 并且,随着需求量的增长,也许会没有足够多的无线电频谱来满足每个人的需要。
Like a deity , radio spectrum is invisible , omnipresent and commands awesome power 无线电波像神明一样,无法看到而又无处不在,并拥有让世人敬畏的力量。
It will also be necessary to free up radio spectrum now used for military and satellite communications 同样地,也有必要开放目前用于军事和卫星通讯的无线电频段。
It will also be necessary to free up radio spectrum now used for military and satellite communications 并且也有必要开放那些时下由军方和卫星通讯占用无线电频谱。
The radio spectrum ? the segment of the electromagnetic continuum containing waves in the radio - frequency range ? accommodates countless communications devices today 无线电频谱(一个连续的射电频率范围区段)容纳了今日无数的通讯频率。
The present shortage of radio spectrum results in large part from the cost and performance limits of legacy hardware established during the past century 目前无线电频谱壅塞的现象,大多起因于上个世纪制造的老式硬体设备在成本与效能上受到限制。
The electromagnetic interference tolerance is discussed in this paper , the radio spectrum assignment and the sensitivity of interference measurement equipment are described 摘要讨论了日像仪的干扰容限,列出了干扰源分布,估算出干扰测试仪灵敏度。
the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies used for communications; includes frequencies used for radio and radar and television 同义词:radio-frequency spectrum,
Radio spectrum refers to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radio frequencies ? that is, frequencies lower than around 300?GHz (or, equivalently, wavelengths longer than about 1?mm).